Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you are planning on travelling distance to attractions, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly in advance to avoid disappointment.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Coldstream Museum

'Continuity and Change' is a permanent exhibition on Coldstream itself and 'Second to None' tells the story of the Coldstream Guards from 1650 to the present day. The Gallery hosts a series of changing exhibitions throughout the season. Outside, there is a courtyard with a fountain and picnic area. There is excellent access for disabled visitors (all on one level), including toilet facilities.

  • Currently: Partly cloudy, 9° C
  • Monday: Medium-level cloud, 8° C
  • Tuesday: Sunny, 6° C